Matthew Gottfried

 🏠 Looking for a mortgage this year? Things have changed, but don't worry—I've got you covered! Here are my top 3 tips to help you get the mortgage you need, tweak your current one, or plan for renewal:

1️⃣ Explore options beyond your bank. Mono-lenders (institutions that only deal in mortgage lending), credit unions, alternative, and private lenders are increasingly helping people secure mortgages, especially if you're self-employed or have credit issues.

2️⃣ Best-rate quotes can be misleading. Mortgage pricing depends on various factors. To get an accurate quote, you'll need a thorough assessment of your situation.

3️⃣ Pay attention to the fine print. Don't just focus on the interest rate. Look for fair penalties, prepayment options, and favorable terms at renewal to avoid unnecessary fees or high rates.

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